March 21, 2024


It’s that time of year again!   SWIMATHON!   Here are our squad times/dates:

·      April 26th: Senior and Junior swimmers from 4:30-6:30 pm

·      April 27th: Gold and Blue will be 6-8 am

·      April 27th: Fun 3 and Fun 2 will 8-9 am

Swimmers that are participating will need to have a timer/counter the day of the swim!  We are also planning a team social event after the swims are completed Saturday morning!  

To raise funds (a portion of which goes to your MFC):

Create a donation page, go to https://donate.swimming.ca;  you can use the same account as last year (just create a new page to publish and unpublish your old page) or you can create a new account for donations.   We will have prizes and awards for fundraising and for swimmers throughout the event.

A portion of the funds raised will go towards new electronics equipment to enhance training, and to help with travel costs for our meets next year!

We will be holding a ZOOM meeting next week about the Swimathon (link to go out on Monday) – please email your questions in advance to dcsctreasurer2022@gmail.com!