Swim-A-Thon Recap

May 9, 2024

Swim-A-Thon Recap:

On April 26th-27th our team participated in the annual Swim-A-Thon fundraiser. The Blue, Gold, Junior and Senior swimmers were challenged to swim 5 KM (200 laps) in 2 hrs. The Fundamentals 2 and 3 were challenged to swim 2.5Km (100 laps) in 1 hr. We had 81 swimmers participate, culminating in a club total of 7840 laps or 196, 000m being completed! There were many great efforts and personal bests by 10-20 minutes from athletes.  Our fastest male to finish was Alex Jonsen-Humble with a time of 59.15 and Sophia Deane was our fastest female to finish with a 1:03.5. Our youngest to finish 100 men and women were Jude Lang, and Sophia Lowe. our youngest to finish 200 men and women were Kyrie Aquino and Maeve Van Bairicom.

Thank you to all of our parent volunteer counters who helped track of completed laps, we could not put on this event without you! Another big thanks to everyone that donated fruit and fixins and the breakfast crew who kept the pancakes flipping on to the hungry swimmers plates.

Although we have already completed the swimming portion of our Swim-A-Thon families can continue to fundraise right until the end of May. The group that fundraise the most will earn a group party! So far Blue is in the lead!!



FUNdamentals group had a super successful swim-a-thon! All swimmers were in the pool for 1 full hour attempting the feat of completing 100 laps. Swimmers did this through a combination of all 4 strokes but mostly stuck with freestyle. The coaches are super proud of the effort put in by all swimmers and consistency in flipturns and breathing every 3! FUNdamentals group also enjoyed the much anticipated pancake breakfast after. Thanks to our parent volunteers who helped cook our breakfast and count laps in the pool, we could not run this event without you!!

Swimmers who completed 100 Laps:
Jude Lang
Kuzey Sun 
Diego Hieu Perez Calderon
Andrew MacDonald 
Sophia Low 

Great work everyone and we are looking forward to the Novatech Explosion in May!

~Coaches Karley and Christina



Blue swimmers absolutely crushed the Swimathon!! For many of these swimmers, this was the first time tackling the 2-hour/5000m Swimathon. Incredibly, all Blue swimmers who participated last Saturday completed their 200 laps with time to spare! I’m incredibly proud to see the strong fundraising efforts from this group, and want to provide a shout out to Aurora and Ava who took to the Alderney Market with baked goods to fund raise! 

Well done to all Blue Swimmers!

~Coach Victoria 



Gold had a fantastic Swimathon! There were major improvements with swimmers holding technique and completing it in much less time than previous attempts! The long distance work and pacing efforts that have been a large focus of our practices certainly have paid off! We had 3 swimmers who tried their first 2-hour swimathon - Nick Tykva, Egor Taranov, and Kaitlyn Matts. Some of our swimmers even went on to attend the Tech the Best swim Camp in Greenwood that afternoon for a long day of swimming - shout out to those swimmers!

~Coaches Leila and Lauren



Thirteen Junior swimmers participated in the swim challenge.  The effort level was intense, determined, and consistent throughout the 5km and it showed in the results with seven to nineteen minute improvements from the previous season.  The newcomers to the event matched the effort and set the bar high for  themselves for the 2025 challenge.  Most time improvement goes to Jane Morash with an 18:49 drop.  Special kudos to the fundraising crew - Rebecca, Aoife, Lianna, Nina, Jane, and Claira - who have stepped up to their part for the 2024 annual team fundraiser.

~Coach Michelle



Nine Senior swimmers participated in this year’s Swim-A-Thon and everyone who hopped in the water successfully completed their 5KM. Swimmers demonstrated very consistent swimming at a very high effort level. This showed in our results, with many swimmers finishing with a new PB. A special shout-out goes to Emma Mullet who dropped a total of 9:10 and Leon Bautista who took off 9:32 making them our most improved. Alex Jonsen-Humble was our only swimmer to finish 200 laps in under 1 hour with a finishing time of 59.15 which meant he had to hold a pace of 1:11 per 100m. Fantastic job to all who participated!

~Coach Mikayla