Swim-A-Thon 2024 - A Note from the Coaches

April 10, 2024

Swim-A-Thon 2024 - Note from the Coaches:

Congratulations to all the swimmers who helped to get the Swim-A-Thon 2024 off to a strong start in Week One. 

From a coaching perspective we'd like to reach out to all the families about the importance of the Swim-A-Thon as our largest team fundraiser.  This event is certainly a physical challenge for the swimmers, and we actually track the swimmers' improvement over their years in age group swimming.  The coaches now have the list for the 2023 lengths completed by each swimmer and it will be a source for a goal setting discussion in the coming weeks.  But on the fundraising side, this event has enabled us to purchase equipment like the  finis walls, land training equipment, the bone conduction disks, and more recently the underwater camera, now used to the benefit of all swimmers' technique development.  This type of equipment enables the coaches to enhance the program we deliver to the swimmers.

So, we encourage all swimmers to participate in the fundraising side of the event, and we'll be talking to all the swimmers to set new challenging goals for their swim on April 26th and 27th.  Details for the organization of the swim will be sent the week of April 22nd.