Hospitality Shout Out!

February 2, 2025

Well! Our first hosted meet of the year is in the books and was a huge success!

We received so many positive comments from swimmers, families and officials on how well-run the meet was (and how well fed we kept the coaches officials) that the Board wanted to issue a special “thank you” to our Crusader families for their support – from the amazing Hospitality Team who ran the canteen and provided all the food and drink to officials and coaches, to all the Crusader families who acted as officials at every level and position, and last but not least to the great support from the Gold, Junior and Senior squad team members who acted as timers and marshals keeping the young swimmers organized and getting to their events on time!

For many swimmers (and families) this was their first swim meet, and we provided a very positive atmosphere and great experience for them.

Our Club continues to set the standard for hosting meets, and the support shown from everyone is very much appreciated!

Thank you again, everyone, and we look forward to seeing you all at the pool!

Jody Crowther, Club President