Fundraising News for November 09, 2023

November 9, 2023

We have several fundraising opportunities underway right now. Here is a quick list, with more detailed links for your reference:

Christmas Wreaths

We are selling beautiful wreaths for the Christmas season. If you would like to participate in this fundraiser, you will earn $5.00 per wreath sold toward your MFC. Please find more information here.


Our fall Citrus fundraiser continues. Orders are due by November 20th. You will earn $10 from each full case sold ($5.00/half case) toward your MFC. Additional information and order form can be found here.

Downtown Dartmouth Gift Card Raffle

Tickets are still available on our Downtown Dartmouth Gift Card bundle (listed & pictured here) - contact Patti at

Draw: Saturday, December 2nd.

75% of sales will be credited to the seller’s MFC.



Every month you can support DCSC by purchasing 50/50 tickets on Rafflebox. Our team’s unique link is:

Please note: Rafflebox fundraiser does NOT go towards MFCs.


Thanks for your support!
Patti Trenholm, Chair of Fundraising DCSC,