From the Coaches - Winter Reminders

November 2, 2023


Winter Reminders:

With the weather getting colder and our first snowfall already having occurred here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Set the alarms a little earlier for morning workouts. Please take into account that it can take extra time to clear the car and/or driveway and getting up a few minutes early will ensure that you make it to practice on time. 
  • Dress for the weather! As tempting as it is to run from the pool deck to the car in the bathing suit and winter coat,  take the time to dress appropriately. This means hats, mittens and changing out of the wet bathing suit to ensure you stay warm and healthy!
  • If there are pool cancelations due to inclement weather we will send out communications as early as possible. However if practice is running and you do not feel safe driving on the roads you can make the call to stay home. Safety is a top priority, just send your coaches an update email. 
  • Please make sure that winter boots stay in the change room and off the pool deck. We don’t want to be tracking salt/dirty snow on deck. Please be respectful of the facilities and take your outdoor shoes off before coming on deck.