From The Coaches - June Splash AA Champs and NT Explosion Recap

June 14, 2024


Fundamentals attended Mini Explosion Meet and NT Explosion in Truro during May! We achieved many best times and technical improvements during these meets that the coaches are very proud of all swimmers. We were focusing on legal turns in all our races, no breathing on the last stroke into a flip turn and remembering underwaters. Many swimmers swam events for the first time including 50’s of all strokes, 200 IM and 200 free! Outstanding effort to all swimmers throughout the season!

We also had 3 swimmers attend AA Champs this past weekend. Jenna, Kuzey and Sunwoo all had many first experiences from relays to swimming in finals. They all demonstrated independence in getting themselves ready for races and had some fun swimming 100’s! Great work to all!

Our standout swimmers of the month are Sophia L. and Tess R., both swimmers were big cheerleaders at the swim meets for their fellow teammates. This positive attitude is not only at swim meets but in practice are supportive, encouraging to others and always excited to complete the task at hand. They also both completed many best times at the meet in May and committed to improving their butterfly rhythm.

Move ups:

Participation to Lvl 1
§  Lexi Zwicker (FUN2)
§  Lexi Farrell (FUN2)
§  Aria Sealey (FUN3) 

Lvl 1 to Lvl 2
§  Duncan Cleversey (FUN2)
§  Rachel Macinnis (FUN2)
§  Vy Le (FUN2)
§  Aria Sealey (FUN3)
§  Abigail Harrison (FUN3)
§  Ellie Cormier (FUN3)
§  Lucien Murgier (FUN3) 

Lvl 2 to Age Group 
§  Kuzey Sun (FUN3)
§  Sunwoo Lim (FUN3)
§  Jenna Sinclair-White (FUN3)

~Coaches Karley and Christina



Blue had 4 swimmers attend the NovaTech Explosion in Truro at the end of May. A huge congratulations to Lilah and Kornii for graduating to AA competition. These 2 swimmers joined our AA team at AA Champs at Dalplex last weekend! At AA’s, Blue swimmers saw an incredible amount of success, which led to 17 finals swims, and 4 medals. Bowen earned 4 silver medals in the 12&U boys category, while Olivia C., Olivia M., Abby, and Nia all swam in their first ever finals races!

This month I want to highlight Chloe and Molly! Both swimmers have been working incredibly hard in practice and rising to new challenges, including longer sets and shorter pace times. This led to both attaining 100% best times at AA Champs, where they were also busy cheering on their teammates when not racing!

~Coach Victoria



Gold had 9 swimmers attend AA Champs, with lots of cheering, determination, and awesome racing! Almost every single race led to best times, including many finals swims. These swimmers have had an amazing season strengthening their skills in and out of the water and the champs meet was truly a showcase of this. One swimmer we would like to highlight is Cohen Comeau, for being a great teammate by helping out swimmers who were brand new to age group during this large meet! She did this with kindness while having good meet habits of her own. Well done everyone, and a big congratulations to Cohen Comeau and Bryce Hoddinott for achieving their AAA times that extend their season until July! 

~Coaches Leila and Lauren 



Congratulations to all the Juniors who competed at AA Champs - they brought their best to their personal best and to team support.  Special shout out to Clark who qualified for the East Coast Champs in July.  After a full season of dedicating himself to doing the extras like coming early to afternoon practices to stretch and improve his mobility, having the patience to work his way back from injury in slow daily increments, the reward of reaching his AAA goal was well earned.

~Coach Michelle



Emma Mullet and Sam Somerton represented Senior at AA Champs this past weekend. Sam saw some fantastic swims with all best times and two podium finishes; 2nd in 200Fr and 1st in 400Fr. Emma Mullet saw best times in every individual event and a podium finish in the 100m Fr (3rd), 100m Br (3rd) and helped the women's A 4 x 50 Medley relay to a 2nd place podium. Emma had some incredible races, especially in her 100Fr on the final day where she demonstrated excellent technique particularly into the finish where her last 10m got her the podium. Sam’s 400Fr is an event he has been working on all season and the dedication and hard work paid off with Sam dropping below 5:00 for the first time by going 4:52.06. What a wonderful way to finish the season as Sam looks towards graduating this summer. Congratulations to both Senior swimmers. 

~Coach Mikayla 


Congratulations to all the AA swimmers who attended AA Champs and all the friends, family and teammates that attended to cheer our swimmers on. The Crusader’s took home the team spirit award, which was a group effort from everyone. The cheering and support from everyone in attendance helped us to win this award. What a fantastic way to end the season and good luck to everyone moving on to East Coast Champs!!