A Word From Our Coaches

October 5, 2023

A word from our Coaches:


Fundamentals 2 and 3:

Our first month with the Fundamentals squad has been full of learning, activity, and making friends. In practice we have been learning "swim talk" and how to use the pace clocks. This week we are starting to do written practice so the swimmer can see everything they are doing during practice. We've watched our group become a squad as well, everyone encourages and helps each other during practice which makes it more fun for everyone. We are so proud of the swimmers for completing their first month in Fundamentals and are excited for the rest of the season!!

Kuzey is a returning swimmer to the squad and has been an excellent role model for the new members of the team, demonstrating core values we hold as a team. He is also always willing to help out a fellow swimmer whether that be explaining a set or helping them read the pace clock. Karley and I truly believe the key to a great season is when the swimmers support one another in and out of the pool. 

 - Coach Karley and Coach Christina



Training in Blue has been going well as the swimmers and I have been getting to know each other! We're spending a lot of time on fundamentals for all 4 strokes to prepare for the first meets coming up later this month. I would like to highlight  Bowen and Olivia who took part as Age Group Swimmers at the first time trial of the season! Both swimmers did an amazing job representing our group at the time trial last weekend and swam incredible 200 Free's and 100 IM's! 

- Coach Victoria 


Gold :

The Gold group had a great first month building a solid foundation for the season! News skills and athlete habits at the Gold level are being developed. The time trial on Saturday was a great way to showcase this. It was a fun morning filled with great attitudes towards racing, squad spirit, and best times! Coach Lauren and Coach Leila are excited to see swimmers race at the first Age Group meet coming up soon.

Hayden powered into gold this year excited and ready for swimming. He is tied for top attendance in gold and is always enthusiastic about swimming especially if it involves kicking.

 -Coach Leila and Coach Lauren



Junior Squad swimmers are working their way through a technical review of all strokes and skills. This is aimed at helping everyone remember what we worked on last season and for the new swimmers to understand what I look for from my coaching perspective.  Kudos to our news club members Clark, Aoife, Eric and Claira who have taken all the different approaches in stride, and have shown great focus and intent to refine their skills. 

- Coach Michelle 



After a full month in the water, Senior is moving from spending time on technical aspects towards full sets with an emphasis on developing our aerobic capacity. We had a great showing at the first time trial of the season where every Senior swimmer went a best time in at least one event and displayed great technical swimming. A big shout out goes to Luke, Idan, Sophia C., Sam, and Emma who are new to the Senior group and have risen to the challenges of the Senior Squad. 

- Coach Mikayla