A Thank You To All The Volunteers

February 1, 2024

Hello Crusader families.

Well! It was a busy weekend for our swimmers with both a AAA meet at the Dalplex and the Crusaders-hosted AA meet at Centennial. To borrow (steal?) a phrase from our own Maureen Nolan: the Crusader village showed up! 

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank everyone who donated their time, items for the hospitality suite, or both! There was a whole host of Crusader officials on deck with 3 timers for almost every lane, and a full slate of Senior Officials. It made things run very smoothly.

A special thank you to Maria Bautista and her large crew of volunteers at the hospitality suite and canteen, who kept us all fed and watered. The runners seemed to be constantly coming around with fluid and food which was very much appreciated! We set a high bar for other clubs to follow. 

Maureen Nolan received many very positive comments from the other teams about every aspect of the meet, so kudos to Crusaders! It is amazing how well things run when we have a full complement of volunteers - Thank you for stepping up when asked.

Jody Crowther, President DCSC, president@dartmouthcrusaders.ca